Saturday, March 31, 2007

hi again. I am proud to announce that i have did what there is to be done . I did my exams . i did the supplementary exams . i did the Coffee Master Challenge . i got through the Coffee Presentation and finally receivd my black apron . i manage to work my targeted graveyard days . how coooool is that ?

i still have a couple more things up on my sleeves. but i let it to rest for this moment.

i came late for almost the entire shift i worked this week. i came at 530 once and 4.30 the other time. oh hell. i was really tired. i did things really slow. was even commented by the shift manager. yeah yeah i was exhausted. i just do not know why. things were getting hoo-haa for the trip to KL this coming month with a couple of us. urgh! why can't they just let us go?

la la la ~

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