Wednesday, July 11, 2007

kenaaangaaaan TERINDAAAH (yeeeaaahh rigght!)

heloooo. weeek 13 of schoool term is coming to an end. projeects yet after another project to another and many more. and week 15 is the DEADline. oohhh myyy! thaaat's a hassle don't you thinkk so? riiight. many many fun fun lepak with starbuckers. with ex coffee beanies. with schoool mates. annd my kakak finaaallly graduated fron NANYANG POLYTECHNIC.
i shall heed a friend's advice. do one at a time. hehe.

wooorking days get lesser. schooool time gets more. school is the most coooolest moment now. ALHAMDULILAH (praises to Allah) and YAYness for the Cs for 2 common test module. but an F for another. that's a sad fact of life though. oookk. let's look at a different angle. appreciation. friendship. and kindness. that affect some bits of my life. it makes me wonder why we are in denial in some angle. in denial to the conquest to the end of polytechnic. it makes me wonder why are we selfish with knowledge that God has given to us. the knowledge in the pathetic brain isn't yours. it comes from Him. and yet instead of helping each other. you bitch about him/her. it makes me even wonder why some takes friendship to a different level. some for the good. but some for the bad. what is the real definition of friendship. having just 1 friend is the BEST compared to a million? i totalllly agreee. keenaagaaan terindaaah. fix my puzzle if you wish. i'm living in my own bubble. don't burst my bubble pleeaasee.

God will open your eyes one day. i can't wait for the day you be left all alonneee.
i'm trying to be a healthy muslim and LIVE EARTH. save the environment!
love me or hate me. that's who i am. (:

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