the simple birthday bashh was a BLAAAAST! from Fantastic 4 to sheeeshaa and to the many makan sessions. the number games got everyone excited. chilli sauce? YEWW. that was for pooor Yenny who had to slurp up the chilli sauce for 5 seconds. HELL YEAH. chocolate ice cream was smashed right on my cheeks. buttttt Hajar got a free powder rain from me. HAHAHAHA. sweeetest friends. honestly this is my first ever birthday basssh! how awesome!
kay and cam was a coincidence. andd what a smaallll world. they seemed to know each other. HOW COOOL IS THAT.
the little pictures represents how COOOOOOL the paarty was!! birthday wishes floood my inbox. and i got my first gift. shhh. not telling anyone what it is. la laaaaa laaaaaaaa~

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