Wednesday, September 20, 2006

i had my usual coffee in Starbucks reminiscing the great time i had with this friend of mine as i watch the cars goes by me. it is just strange how someone can change and turn his/her back against you. haha. miscommunication was the cause of it. i know it is hard to see from such a different point of view but you can't clearly say you're ever in my shoes. i'm just another human with different perspective of the difference in nature. but i still count by twos. i still take compliments by saying only thank you. i learnt words are always too untrue till it oversaturate this feeling and try to be imbued. i try to blow up but my face just turns blue till it keeps on coming back as new. as if nothing in this world is ever overdue. the memories are still kept on playing like movie without sound. every malicious streetlight i drive pass i still ask what, but never who. hoping for cognition that i wish i ever knew.

Corina said i have sensitivity and appreciation for the finer and deeper things of life, the beauties of music, art, and literature. i value intellectual companionship, especially from those able to understand my deeper nature. at such times i can withdraw into a mood, and may not speak to others. (hopefully it has never been taken too personally?) aside from those points, i am a thoughtful, analytical person. i try to be conscientious and competent in all that i do. haha. i guess my friend only knows me to her own limitations. she even called me a kiddo.

hahahaha. thats a greatest joke of the century. i was already walking while you are struggling to crawl. that makes me a kiddo. along came a pious man who brainwashed her with "Islamic" and "the good kind" theories. my ears are never open to those theories. i'll only listen up to the man who stands in the mimbar and gives his sermons to many other muslims in the mosque. i do not like someone who sounds like a holy man. hehe.

"...Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things don't matter at all, because once you are Real you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand..."
Corina Grahams
i over-think everything. i think until "thinking" has finally reached that point where it becomes nothing more than a ridiculous (over-analyzed) thought. certain people enter our lives at the most peculiar times...for the most beautiful reasons, they seem to make such perfect impressions while leaving behind an everlasting impact.
some of the best things in life appear when you least expect them

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