Wednesday, June 28, 2006

i swear to God, i regret not driving to school today. but shit that. there's still public transport anyways. but to make matters worst, i top up gas yesterday just for today. and i guess my badly sister is going to drive till it's half tank. hahaha. but i was late for school. and if i were to go to my carpark, it takes 10mins with the rate i walk. and 5mins to warm up the car. 3 mins to tear the coupon. 2mins to adjust the mirrors. 5mins to reach level 1. and 1 min to leave the carpark. and 6mins to reach TPE. do your maths. hahahhaa. and i only got 15mins to noon.

noon = test time.

but shit. badly armpits came at 12.20. for a moment, i regret. and school ends at 2.30 today. cause there's no semestral project and business class is only an hour. instead of 3hours. and she's yapping away .... disadvantages advtanges blah blah
"ellyas, you listening or not?" of course i am. im just typing but my ears are listening. hahahaha

i could not believe i drive all the way to school just to get SKL cigarette. hahaha. but im going to Bishan. so its along the way. hahaha. i intended to get DAD a shoe in Muji but sadly there isnt a size for him. soo another time ok Dad. hahaha.

test = diasater. i will barely get 15 marks out of 50. hahaha.

"We have placed in the ground (mountains) standing firm so that it does not shake with them." The Holy Quran Surah 16, verse 15

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